Software Predictions Vs Hand-Written Predictions Vs karmiktantra

Astrology is a study of “Graha” and “Nakshatra and their movements. It require good Gurukul mathematical knowledge and ancient astrological knowledge to prepare exact charts which can give accurate predictions of a person’s life. It’s not an instant process. Charts are like DNA and no two people can have the same charts. If it’s happening, it means there’s some error. No software is made yet which can make such accurate charts, the way earlier astrologers use to make without any device and software.

Software Kundali:- Software Kundali is made by software on mobile or laptops. Which prepares a general Kundali and general life prediction that has been coded to it. Accuracy remains less than 20%. Mostly, present-day astrologers make charts using software and then do predictions themselves. If the astrologer is highly knowledgeable, the predictions remain less than 50% accurate.

Hand-Written Kundali:- Hand-Written Kundali are like a Hand Written version or physical copy of Software Kundali. Few priests use any “Panchang” according to their region to make charts. “Panchangs” are also software generated and cover a larger circle, making it inaccurate and general. Mostly, local priests or pandits use this method to provide the physical version of Kundali which can be used in rituals and marriages. Accuracy remains the same or sometimes less than 50% because local priests or pandit are not that qualified astrologers.

karm Kundali:- karm Kundali was the actual method to make Kundali which was made instantly after the child’s birth in ancient times and entire life prediction was made according to charts made using mathematics and astrology. The same Kundali can be made at any time if the exact, date of birth, time of birth and place of birth has been noted correctly. It’s a time-consuming process and requires deep study. We will like to mention here that using any “Panchang” is not the only thing done in karm Kundali, there are more calculations and mathematics involved during the process. Such Kundali has an accuracy of more than 95% and is difficult to produce by everyone. Please go through the given below charts to compare the difference.

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